A few weeks ago I spent an afternoon with the CT master stylists who visited to help demonstrate the complete "Pillow Talk" look at Bloomingdales in Short Hills, NJ.

I've been a loyal fan of Charlotte Tilbury for many years. I discovered the line while having lunch at Bergdorf Goodman in NYC and was immediately intrigued with the pigments used and the concept of being able to pick out a "look" and then purchase that whole look at a reasonable price for a luxury beauty brand. Flash forward a couple of years and Charlotte opened a boutique at Bloomies in NJ.
My ladies at CT, especially Kat, have never let me down! They keep me apprised of new, innovative products coming in and are always honest about what does (and doesn't) look good on me. Kat is also the stylist who always does my face for the soirees, galas, and swanky events I attend throughout the year.
So, Pillow Talk. Yes, it's not new necessarily. However, I've not worn it before. When I looked at it in person a couple of weeks ago while visiting Kat, I immediately made a judgement that there's no way that color palette is going to show well on my face. I agreed to let their master stylist have a hand at it, though, because I really do love the colors.

The results were nothing short of GORGEOUS!
(Though, as I suspected, the pillow talk blush simply didn't show up well on my complexion) I especially am LOVING the pink sparkle in the eye quad; pink is hot, hot, hot for Spring/Summer 2019 beauty. It's romantic, feminine, fun, versatile, and spot on for all ages! Spring won't get here soon enough for me.